۱۳۸۹ تیر ۴, جمعه

iran Executes Abdul Malik Rigi

iran Executes Abdul Malik Rigi

"History will prove that many Abdolmaleks will emerge and that victory and glory are theirs, and that the oppressive regime in Iran will be defeated and the movement will celebrate that great day," it said, according to a translation provided by SITE.
The group also contested official media reports that its former leader had been executed, insisting that Rigi had in fact "died under the pressure of torture and punishment," and that Iran only said it had executed him in order to avoid a scandal.
The group claims it is fighting to secure rights for Sunni Baluchis who form a significant population in Sistan-Baluchestan, a southeastern Iranian province bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan where Jundallah has waged a deadly insurgency.
Rigi was captured in a dramatic operation in February while on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan, when Iranian warplanes forced the plane he was travelling on to land in Iran.
Soon after his arrest, Jundallah claimed it had appointed Muhammad Dhahir Baluch as its new leader, according to SITE. Iranian state media meanwhile alleged the United States had offered to provide the militant aid to battle the Islamic regime.
His hanging came less than a month after his brother Abdolhamid was executed on charges of "terrorism

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